2007년 6월 6일 수요일

Healthy Drinking Tips (extract from CK & DK's Alcohol Zine)

1. Sip and enjoy your drink-Do not speed up; drinking for speed and quantity would skyrocket your blood alcohol content. This would only decrease the pleasurable effects of alcohol and increase the risks.

2. Space your drinks-Your body needs time to process alcohol. Do not drink so much all at once.

3. Drink water while drinking-Quench your thirst with water. Water reduces the amount of alcohol absorbed by the body, and it helps excretion of alcohol.

4. Eat sufficiently before and while drinking-Food slows down the absorption of alcohol.

5. Count your drinks-Be aware of how fast you are drinking. Stop drinking when you have reached your limits.

6. Avoid drinking games-Competitive drinking puts pressure on you, which will make you
drink more than the right amount.

7. Stick to one type of liquor-switching drinks can really make you sick.

8. Remember that straight liquor contains much more alcohol than beer or wine-drink it in moderation or not at all.

9. Take multivitamins before drinking-This better prepares the body for the depletion of vitamins caused by frequent urination.

These are a few tips that would protect you. They will reduce the risks of many health problems due to alcohol. However, always keep in mind that drinking in moderation is the most important thing to do. Follow the tips and stay healthy, since health is the most precious possession!

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