2007년 4월 25일 수요일

A memorable event in my Childhood

People experience many things, and a number of events take place during their lives. Everybody has his or her own childhood, and the impressing happenings during their childhood. I have quite a lot of memorable events during my childhood as well. There is very much, and no matter how trivial or significant, they have had an influence on me. Here is one below:

It occurred at my 7th birthday, which would be in 1997. I was living in Beijing, and I was in kindergarten. Like everybody does, I was really happy and excited because it was my birthday, and I was looking forward to receiving gifts and eating a sweet birthday cake. I was in my room, playing with my toys and reading books after breakfast. When it was lunchtime, I was still excited, I did stupid things. I can’t remember exactly what I did and what happened, but I can tell that I got injured, because of the doorknob. I got a cut right beside my eyebrow. It didn’t hurt that much, but it bleed; enough to scare my parents and myself. The joyful atmosphere of the house suddenly changed, urgent and full of tension. I was crying. Then, my parents took me to the hospital. Some of Chinese hospitals are quite dim and spooky. The hospital I went was just like that. Al kids fear hospitals, especially when they need injections and a stitch. I was nearly scared to h. the injection for tetanus did hurt very much, and the stitches I had on the cut looked terrible and disgusting. After the operation, my parents and I headed home. Finally, I had my cake and got my gifts, but I was still frightened. Since this day, I became a careful and deliberate boy. I also got a pointy-stuff phobia. Now, I have a scar right beside my eyebrow, and every time I look into a mirror, I recall the day I got this. I think I learned a good lesson that day.
Now, when I go back to this part of my memory, it is very funny and ridiculous, though I got stitches instead of candles on my birthday cake. It taught me a good lesson, and made me into a cautious person. It can be a trivial one, but it is quite significant to me. I think that I’ll never forget this ludicrous day.

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